Media ASSET Management

Ateliere Connect™ leads in revolutionizing media asset management (MAM) strategies, offering superior solutions for the dynamic needs of media supply chains. Our cloud-native SaaS platform features automated ingest, secure asset storage and retrieval, and enhanced metadata management for seamless collaboration across assets, operations, and teams.

This innovative platform ensures peak performance, optimizing media workflow and content delivery, backed by robust data protection and technical support. Ateliere Connect seamlessly integrates with legacy systems, offering the quintessential upgrade for media enterprises seeking efficiency and fortified security within their digital assets and media supply chain management strategies.

MacBook displaying Ateliere's Media Items management screen, illustrating the MAM system's capabilities.

Maximize Media Profitability

Transform your media supply chain with Ateliere's modern MAM system. Our cloud-native Media Asset Management platform is a breakthrough in handling diverse media assets, including crucial video content. It surpasses traditional MAM solutions in cloud migration and scalability. This powerful tool facilitates efficient management of media assets, enabling quick searches, metadata addition, and collaboration with teams and partners. Our modern MAM system provides real-time tracking and management of media operations, offering unparalleled security and reliability. Designed to scale with your business, Ateliere's solution integrates smoothly with existing systems and processes. Additionally, our dedicated customer support team enables you to fully leverage the benefits of your media asset management solution, ensuring a superior experience.

Streamline and simplify media packaging and distribution, while eliminating silos.

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Attractive OpEx model – no high upfront costs.

Eliminate redeliveries and keep tabs on your business processes.


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Ateliere Connect platform timeline view

Superior Media Asset Management

Ateliere Connect excels in media asset management (MAM), setting a new standard beyond legacy systems. With an integrated approach to media and digital assets, our platform combines high-performance media management with comprehensive metadata and rights management tools. Streamline your entire media supply chain with unified catalog, availability, and delivery operations, facilitated by seamless API integration for MAM systems.

Truly cloud-native MAM Solutions

Experience the pinnacle of cloud innovation with Ateliere’s cloud-native, serverless solutions, purpose-built for media asset management. Enjoy the benefits of cloud scalability, elasticity, and resilience to manage your digital assets more efficiently. Our cloud-native MAM solutions ensure that even the most extensive content projects are onboarded with ease, optimizing your media workflows and eliminating traditional job queues.

Man behind 2 computer monitors, showing a modern workplace relevant to media asset management environments
Detailed view of Ateliere Connect

Flexible Architecture: Tailored Media Asset Management Solutions

Choose from a spectrum of multi-tenant and single-tenant architectures to find the perfect fit for your media management needs. Ateliere offers an array of asset management solutions that provide not only competitive pricing but also continuous platform optimization. Prepare your business for the future with an environment that adapts to the evolving landscape of digital media asset management.

Fast onboarding with ‘low-code, no-code’ templates

Accelerate your platform adoption with Ateliere Connect's agile framework. Our system is built on a robust suite of microservices that streamline workflows, enabling rapid configuration and deployment without the need for extensive coding. Utilize our versatile no-code packaging templates to seamlessly orchestrate your media asset supply chain, ensuring a swift transition to advanced media asset management solutions.

Close up of Ateliere Connect Composition playlist
Close up of the Ateliere Connect function that allows easy access to video asset metadata

Advanced Search and Metadata Management for Easy Content Discovery

Discover and utilize your media assets more efficiently with Ateliere’s intuitive search capabilities. Ateliere Connect complements a variety of metadata systems, from Fabric to MetaVU, integrating effortlessly with your existing digital asset management infrastructure. Whether you have a custom solution or an established legacy MAM, our platform is designed to enhance and work in tandem with your technology stack, facilitating efficient digital media asset management.

Eco-Friendly Asset Management: Cost-Efficient, Sustainable Solutions

Cut down localization costs and reduce environmental impact with Ateliere Connect's intelligent component-based media workflows. Our innovative AI/ML technology distinguishes and retains only the essential source material and variations, optimizing your media asset storage. Discover how our unique asset management software advances your content library’s efficiency and sustainability.

a transparent globe atop green grass
hand typing overlaid on an image of a cityscape with dots connected  as a mesh over the city

A connected media supply chain

Unlike legacy media management systems built to try and do a bit of everything, Ateliere Connect is designed to deliver outstanding media management and distribution, while integrating external tools (such as metadata and rights management) for specific functionality. Manage your catalog, avails and deliveries in one place.

Intelligent distribution: MONETIZE EVERY ASSET

Each media asset can be tagged to facilitate multi-delivery. Sort all media & assets through virtual folders and customizable descriptive metadata. Ateliere Connect works with AWS lifecycle policies, allowing you to move content between S3, Glacier & Deep Glacier storage tiers.

Close up of the platform that shows how media asset can be tagged to facilitate multi-delivery
connect dashboards on a laptop


Implementing Ateliere Connect only requires a reduced amount of Professional Services. No taking down the system for a day to update a cumbersome codebase – plug in a new transcode provider and deploy a brand-new workflow within hours.

Maximize monetization

Ensure you distribute your content to the most common OTT, broadcast, and cable endpoints, expanding and adapting your media business as needed. Actively monetize your content and simplify your media operations while enhancing your bottom line and keeping your team, partners and customers happy.

Ticker board with numbers
Media professional with headphones on, working within the Ateliere Connect platform

Designed FOR TOMORROW'S MEDIA business

With 99.995+% availability, you get unparalleled business continuity and reduced costs. Align your operations with how your business operates and pay for what you need, when you need it. Platform and costs scale directly with content that drives monetization. We even provide a cost calculator here for your convenience.

media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy
media made easy